I’ve created a handful of skincare brands over the years.

I ran a company of brands producing beard care & soaps for around 10 years, warehouses in Seattle & Nashville, plus a barbershop to try the goods in person in Nashville, etc.

But those businesses I built for other people. I don’t have a beard. I’m not a barber. I started those businesses because I thought things could be done better for people I cared about.

TIVVI Sticks are one of the few products I made for myself. I made the original Stick Soap in 2017. I was a competitive bodybuilder spending 3 hours at the gym every morning before going directly to open my warehouse up. I traveled a lot and used gyms all over North America, as well. So the Stick Soap went into my bag & carry-on and went with me everywhere, even hiking because a lot of trail bathrooms didn’t have soap.

That’s one of the reasons I’ve been so stoked on launching this brand. It’s one of the first brands where I get to pour myself into something that I love for myself, and share it with other people that share similar values and hobbies as me.

So thanks for coming along this new journey with me. I have so much awesome stuff I can't wait to share.

-Andi Whiskey


I've had the pleasure of sitting down with some awesome people who shared their stories of how for them, it's Not a Hobby.